The Client

The client, a digital health pioneer in the field of digestive health solutions, recognized the need to optimize their Salesforce platform to improve operational efficiency and provide a superior user experience for their internal team. The project consisted of two primary components: Account Management and Price Book Implementation.

Account Management Enhancement

The first major deliverable of this project was the introduction of 'Related Accounts' to the Salesforce platform. This feature seamlessly integrated into the Accounts page, enabling the client to effortlessly link and manage inter-related accounts. Specialized roles such as Broker/Consultant, Health Plan, PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Manager), and more were set up to facilitate granular account relationship management.

  • Managing inter-related accounts was cumbersome and time-consuming.
  • Lack of specialized roles resulted in inefficient communication and tracking.
  • Client interactions lacked structure and effectiveness.

  • Solution:
    • Integrating 'Related Accounts' feature to link and manage related accounts.
    • Implementing specialized roles to categorize and manage accounts effectively.
    • Providing a structured framework for account relationships.

    • Benefits:
      • Streamlined account management and improved data organization.
      • Enhanced communication and collaboration among team members.
      • Increased efficiency and effectiveness in client interactions.

      • Price Book Implementation

        The second major deliverable was the development of a dynamic price book for various products. This implementation aimed to automate the pricing process, eliminate manual calculations, and accelerate pricing decisions. Formulas for product pricing were devised based on client-provided logic.

        • Manual pricing calculations were prone to errors.
        • Pricing decisions were time-consuming and lacked consistency.
        • The client needed a solution to align pricing with their specific logic.

        • Solution:
          • Developing a dynamic price book for automated product pricing.
          • Implementing formulas based on client-provided pricing logic.
          • Ensuring pricing decisions were accurate and consistent.

          • Benefits:
            • Reduced errors in pricing calculations.
            • Accelerated pricing decisions, leading to quicker responses to clients.
            • Improved consistency and accuracy in pricing.

  • Streamlined Account Management
  • Enhanced Communication & Collaboration
  • Accelerated Pricing Decisions
  • Reduced Pricing Calculation Errors
  • Improved Pricing Consistency & Accuracy
  • Continued Growth & Success
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